Google - An Online Robinhood

1 Billion Unique visitors every month according to latest reports, 2nd most valuable brand according to latest report, Total Market Cap of $155 Billion, all these has been achieved in just 12 years of time. Anyone would wonder about such an astonishing achievement. Google is the word we are talking about here. As we know we type this word very often in our day to day life, we are addicted to it now. For any work or every work we recommend only one name i.e. This amazing company has change the way we used to live our lives 10 years before.
On the online platform, it is the most talked about name, why this name has become so important to us? How it has been able to change our lives? What they are unique at? Is the topic of discussion here?
From students to teachers, from an executive to a CEO of a company everyone seems to refer to google for the information it provides. It is an encyclopaedia of all encyclopaedias; it is a dictionary of all dictionaries. You just name it and google is there to help you, it has become more than a friend, relative, guide, mentor or teacher. It is our ultimate problem solver and hence, it has become more than just a search engine or a company.
Google is a life changer, earlier people used to spend time on finding all type of information on newspapers, magazines, tabloids, books etc but now information is just a click away because of google. Earlier people used to spend more of their leisure time on hanging around with friends but now they spend time on internet chatting with friends online through Google chat or gmail. Google has made us internet savvy so much that other companies have also started making good use of it. In this way it has changed our lifestyle.
Google Inc. Follows Open Source Culture. They provide all kinds of services and charge nothing from its users. Google is the ultimate Robinhood of online world; it takes money from rich (Companies) and gives it services free to its users. It creates amazing value for its users as it provides its services free of cost.
So, one word to describe Google is “GOD” on earth.


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